Please join us in honoring our 2013 SETTA captains and volunteers.
This meeting will also review new 2014 USTA guidelines, rules, sectional dates, and league dates. This is an "ALL YOU CAN EAT" gumbo, rice, potato salad, bread, dessert, soft drink dinner....Cash bar…captains eat free and guest tickets are only $10! Tickets at door will be limited so please RSVP 855-MYSETTA (855-697-3882). Courville's is 2.8 miles on left from corner of Major/HWY 90 Happy New us make it a good one! SETTA *GUMBO DINNER JAN 23rd Courville's (doors open 6pm) *Captains eat free, guests $10 RSVP 855-MYSETTA (855-697-3882)