"Tennis has always been my best friend." says Emily, "Earlier in my life and then married to a corporate driven husband we moved seventeen times in eighteen years. Tennis was always the one thing that made it possible for me to fit in as the new person in town."
It was years later in her life on a trip to visit a friend, who lived in Beaumont, when she met Ray Coxe. No surprise that tennis has been just one of the many joys in both of their lives.
Emily's father (an obviously wise man) tried to introduce her to tennis as a child but it simply did not take. Later at the age of 20, while in college, a friend talked her into playing and she fell in love with the game. In a completion of the circle, Emily went back and played tennis with her father numerous times before his death and now she is paying-it-forward by working to introduce other new players to her beloved sport of tennis.
The first league Emily ever played in was in Omaha, Nebraska in 1985. She joined a team as a 3.5 player and her team won sectionals and went to nationals. She continues to work to make a similar experience possible for others.
"My best shot is my backhand... cross-court" says Emily, "my worst, even though it is getting better, is my serve."
Congratulations from SETTA on being our "Player Of The Month"
100% deserving... Mrs. Coxe has done so much for us in this ares. If it wasn't for her, we would sadly be lacking the leadership needed in this tennis community. Congrats!!!!
Great choice on this one, Gary! Emily, thank you for all that you do!
I have said it many times before... Emily Coxe is a Saint. She helped breath life back into an organization that had no organization left. Her commitment to help develop new players has visibly grown our tennis community. The energy she has put in to help upgrade our City facilities has has been unnoticed and, up to this point, unappreciated. The huge amount of work she has put into "our tennis" has left little time for her own play. We appreciate everything you have done to help keep us organized and growing Emily. Your an amazing woman. A smiling, bundle of enthusiasm that is a treat to be around.
Thanks for your commitment M...
Emily thank you for everything that you have done for tennis in this area and everything that you will continue to do. You have done a great job. You are leaving some big shoes to fill. The Flanagan's
Congrats Emily. I love the part about tennis being your best friend. You have inspired many in the tennis community including myself - thanks!
-Jon W
For the month of November, I propose that our player of the month be Jerry Creamer. He has been teaching tennis in this community for more than 25 years and has taught many of the great players out there today. Unfortunately, we tend to overlook him out in Pinewood, because it is a long drive out there. However, he has been a huge contributor to this community as far as talent goes. Thanks Jerry!
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