Thursday, June 3, 2010

Lapse in Concentration

By Scott Baker of

There are a few times in a match that I feel are key moments to make sure you do not slack off and lose focus. As a player you should be aware of these times and realize that these moments are when you need to focus the most. Also realize that there are times that your opponent might slack off mentally and be sure that you take full advantage.

There is a saying that goes "The best time to break serve is right after being broken". The reason being is that players tend to relax a little after they break serve since they know they now have the advantage. If you break your opponent's serve you need to stay focused and do not try to just go through the motions. If you relax and think everything is going to be a walk in the park you may find yourself getting broken back. On the flip side, if you get broken, do not get discouraged. Look for a lapse of concentration from your opponent and look to break right back.

The one that used to get me time and time again is the second set. I would almost always win the first set and I would be playing well. However, I had a tendency to relax in the second set and lose focus. The last thing you want to do is to lose the second set and give the other player confidence going into a third set. Stay focused if you win the first set and continue to put pressure on your opponent. Just because you won the first set does not mean you will win the match. Once again, looking at it from the other side of things. If you lose the first set do not get discouraged. Stay focused and look to win the second set and push your opponent to three sets.

Down Love-40? It is always a great feeling to come back from Love-40 and show your opponent that you will fight for each and every point. However, Love-40 to 40-40 (deuce) is only good if you seal the deal and win the game. Many players here feel the battle is to just even the score and get to 40-40 and they relax a little. The real battle is to win the game. Do not relax just because you evened the score, keep the motivation going and work your heart out for those last two points. Winning a game from Love-40 is a great way to deflate your opponent's confidence. If you were the one up 40-Love and and you still lost the game, it is a game that will fester in your mind for a while.

There are many times to lose focus during a match, realize what they are and stay focused. Recognize when your opponent loses focus and make them pay for getting lazy on the court.

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