Thursday, February 10, 2011

Emily Coxe and Ron Wesbrook to be honored at USTA Texas Annual Meeting

Two southeast Texas tennis volunteers will be honored at the USTA Texas annual meeting this weekend in Dallas. Emily Coxe will receive the USTA Texas Section Community Service Award in recognition of her strong leadership in our tennis community. Particularly noteworthy is Emily's service as president of SETTA and its revival as a vibrant, functional organization, and her several years of exemplary service as league coordinator. Ron Wesbrooks will receive the USTA Texas Section W.P. Caswell Service Award. This award is given annually to honor a person who has made significant contributions at the sectional level to grow and promote the game of tennis. Ron has been an active member at the Texas section level since l974.

Congratulations Emily and Ron!!!  Many of us would like to thank both of you for your endless devotion to making our tennis community one of the strongest in Texas.

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