Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day 2011 – a tropical depression

I want to thank all of you that participated in our almost 92nd Labor Day Classic. We did complete most of the Mixed Doubles Friday night and those of you that played will get the USTA points. For all of the rest of you, all you get is a t-shirt and for that, we are really disappointed. The Board will look into some sort of incentive to get players to participate next year – we will keep you posted on that!
Thanks go to the following volunteers that made this tournament “almost” possible.
Sheila McInnis and Ron Wesbrooks for scheduling, seeding and preparing the draws.
Jacob Vernon for being a great assistant, fundraiser, and cheerleader.
Emily Coxe and her assistant Ray for coordinating volunteers, feeding us, and running back and forth.
Sandra Martin, Brenda & Troy Hill and Whitney DeYoung for running the Bmt. Municipal complex.
Sally Boone for securing the prizes and helping on Friday night.
Vahid Morris and Jason Summers for ice patrol.
Russell Grogan for securing drinks from Coca – Cola and
David Wong for securing the courts for Lamar.
Barbara DeYoung for passing out goodies at Lamar Saturday morning.
And a GIANT thank you to our sponsors: Glen Morgan of Reaud, Morgan and Quinn, Tara Coco,
Coca-Cola, Creighton, Fox, Johnson & Mills, Daniels Construction, Jacob Vernon, Mazur & Vernon, MyWeddingTeam.com; Chance Pride Food, Cotton Cargo, Elite Sleep Solutions and the Bmt CVB.

Thank you...
Allison Nathan Getz
Tournament Director

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