Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 USTA League Kick-Off Captain’s Meeting

2012 USTA League Kick-Off Captain’s meeting –
Wednesday – January 11 @ 6 p.m. at the Roger Miller Library by Rogers Park in Beaumont.

League play will begin February 20th – Come vote on which league will start the year – Senior or Adult?

New Captains, Old Captains, anyone thinking about being a Captain, and any interested Tennis Player –

PLEASE COME. Captains packets will be distributed with important information on the new local rules.

Pizza and cookies will be served.

Captains – if you can’t make it – please send a representative from your team.


Anonymous said...

What new local rules are being considered?

Anonymous said...

Yes, what "new local rules"??? I'd like to be PREPARED in advance to discuss this at the meeting.