Here is the lastest on the new courts being constructed at the tennis complex on College St in Beaumont. The four west courts are experiencing substantial structural failure. The 4 east courts seem to be fine and do not appear to have any structural failures in them. The only issue is a light pole located on the southwest corner. The light fixture must be removed and the foundation repaired. The City of Beaumont is working very diligently to solve these issues and appreciates everyone's patience.
What is the estimated time to repair? Why can't we play on the four east courts now?
The City is saying "until the light fixture is repaired and a firm decision concerning the 4 west courts is reached, it would not be prudent to accept any part of the project". We will continue to post information when it becomes available. Currently the City is working with an independent lab to perform some additional testing on the slab. Sorry it appears the 4 east courts will not be released until the City can make a firm decision about the 4 west courts.
What is the estimated time to repair?
Sorry no official word, we will post it as soon as we find out.
Thanks for asking...
rumor is the whole thing will have be demolished and rebuilt??
I wish I could deny that rumor. The 4 east courts that appeared to be okay began cracking. It appears likely the city will have the contractor demolish and rebuild the courts. As a tax payer I'm glad the city is standing up for the money spent and wanting what was promised, as a tennis player it's frustrating to see 4 courts I wouldn't mind playing on.
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