Thursday, October 14, 2010

Have a suggestion for League Tennis Rules?

SETTA wants your opinions on what SETTA League Tennis Rules you would like to see changed.  Vahid Morris is heading up a Rules Committee and would like everyone's opinion on what rules you feel need added, changed or simply eliminated. 
You can e-mail Vahid directly at or you can post your comments online.  So instead of complaining about rules, help the Rules Committee create rules that help promote tennis in South East Texas.


Anonymous said...

What type of rule changes are being considered?

SETTA said...

You will have to contact Vahid at I think the Rules Committee will review rules League rules in general and address any of the rules they feel need updated. What type of rule would you like to see changed?

Anonymous said...

I think any proposed rule change should be listed here before adoption to allow for player input.

Anonymous said...

i would like to see a set of rules posted on the website......i would also like to see some sort of rule on adding players at the very end of a league a time limit say no one added after 3 games or whatever others think is fair

Anonymous said...

also it would be helpful if the league co ordinator had a faster response time to getting out team numbers it seems the response is always "i sent that allready" when in fact it was not sent this is happening far too often

Anonymous said...

if it is league night and a team is there early to warm up on league assigned courts but there is some confusion and there is clearly not enough courts for everyone to play on so obviously someone is going to have to move to another facility does the team that is on the court first have a right to play on that court or does an upper level team have the authority to make a lower level team move to another facility even though they were allready on the court warming up... is that complaining or asking to make the rules clear?

Anonymous said...

does league co ordinator hold the position for as long as they want? could it be open for renewal every year and have a vote? or is that how it is done now?.....the other offices do not directly effect players as much as that position

Anonymous said...

is there a time limit set on make up matches due to rain? If not can one be put in place? say the match has to be made up in one week or two or whatever is fair but to drag on some of these make up matches because one team wants their best players in but they cant be there on this night or this time......this is where hard feelings come in it would be easier to say ok this match has to bed made up by this date who can play and who can't

Vahid said...

Everyone's comments and suggestions will be reviewed by the rules committee. We have already had several suggestions about adding people late in the season. The rules committee will look at a solution that hopefully controls questionable additions late in the season without barring new players from joining a team.

Once we have a set of local league rules, they will be published on the site. We will probably review them every year as new questions or challenges arise during league play.

If you have ideas about rules to enhance our leagues and make the competion fair, please email me your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I had to contact the league coordinator three times over several days to get a reply also