Sunday, November 1, 2009

Player Phone Directory

The SETTA Players Phone Directory & Player Rating has been added to this website... please check the side column. If your information is not correct or needs to be updated please send SETTA an email with the corrected information.

Name.......Skill Level...Phone Preference
John Smith.......4.5...............409-555-5555

To update your information please send an email to .
If you have a problem with access to the directory.... you can also click on the court or instructor attachments first and then the phone directory seems to open...

1 comment:

Sonjia Bearden said...

Hi everyone!! This is Sonjia Bearden. Yes I'm still around. Just wanted you to know I miss all of you. Hopefully I will be able to play again soon. I hope you all haven't forgotten me? My phone number is (409) 880-5749. Call me.