Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from SETTA


A good time is coming, I wish it were here,
The very best time in the whole of the year;
I'm counting each day on my fingers and thumbs-
The weeks that must pass before Santa Claus comes.
Then when the first snowflakes begin to come down,
And the wind whistles sharp and the branches are brown,
I'll not mind the cold, though my fingers it numbs,
For it brings the time nearer when Santa Claus comes.

SETTA would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Thank you to everyone that continues to help tennis grow in our community...


Anonymous said...

What is the latest on the tennis courts... being used or not used... being fixed or same old same...

SETTA said...

It appears to be a legal issue and could result in the city going to the bonding company to resolve the issue. It's a shame, I know a lot of us expected to be playing on those court last year.