Monday, February 28, 2011

SETTA League Updates

Dear SETTA Members,

I hope you are all doing well! I have a couple updates for you all.

Adult League:
Spring is around the corner, which means our Adult League will begin soon! The season is scheduled to begin the week of March 28th. Captains, please send me your name, level, and USTA Number in order for me to issue you a team #.

40 & over Pilot League:
The Texas Section had their annual league meeting on February 12th. They approved having a pilot of a 40 & over league this year. They are working on scheduling the sectionals which will be towards the last of October or first of November. The event will most likely be in Austin. I will have more to come on the date and location of this event in a couple of weeks. This league is in addition to the regular 50 & over senior league and another option for players to join in. I think most cities will be offering this league to their players.

The levels that will be offered at sectionals will be Men’s 3.5, 4.0 & 4.5 and Ladies 3.5, 4.0 & 4.5.
Local league requirements:
*You can have a two team league at any level (the 60% rule applies if you only have a two team league)
*A player needs to have played twice to be eligible to advance to sectionals.
*Format will be one line of singles and two lines of doubles.

Please let me know if this might be something you would be interested, if eligible. I believe I could fit this league in during Mixed Season on the weekends!

Senior Mixed:
There has been some interest in having a Senior Mixed League this year, I would like to try it out and see how it goes!

Levels offered: 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 & 9.0 (combined ratings). You must be 50 years and over – must turn 50 by December 31, 2011. The league will consist of 3 doubles lines. The NTRP difference between members of an individual double pair may not exceed 1.0. Sectionals will be held on in Corpus Christi June 10th – 12th. We could fit this league in during our Adult League on the weekends. I would have to start the League in April!
Senior Qualifying Tournament:
The date for the senior qualifying tournament has been pushed back one week to May 20th-22nd in College Station. The original date of May 13th-15th was the same weekend as the Texas A&M graduation and the hotel prices are extremely high.

I will be having a Lonestar League this year!! If you know of anyone that may be interested, please send them my way!

Thanks so much,
Sarah Donnelly
SETX Local League Coordinator


Unknown said...

The focus should be on getting more courts available, not making more leagues. A 40+ league doesn't make any sense--there's already a senior and super senior.

Anonymous said...

If BMTC won't be ready this year, we may have to use Rogers Park and some other sites that haven't normally been used for league.

Cicero said...

Over 40 probaly not needed in this area,but Austin,Houston maybe especially when you see ex college players still in their 20's playing 4.5 Really? Seen this with on eyes the rating system is flawed so this league may indeed be good for sport, Anyway im looking to get on a usta team, can easily play 4.0 singles or 3.5 since i have no rating at this time CICERO 713 504 0186