Wednesday, March 30, 2011

SETTA taking applications for Adult League Coordinator

Due to the resignation of Adult Coordinator, Sarah Donnelly, the Southeast Texas Tennis Association is accepting applications for the adult coordinator for the remainder of 2011. Former coordinator, Emily Coxe, has graciously agreed to serve in an interim capacity until the new coordinator is selected. The Deadline for applications is April 8th. Please submit all information to SETTA President, Allison Getz, either by email or dropping off the information at her office at 4350 Dowlen Road. You can email Allison with any questions you may have.

Until a new coordinator is selected you can contact Emily Coxe at regarding any league issues or questions.


Anonymous said...

Has the coordinator pay been cut?

Anonymous said...

As a league member, how can I provide input about the candidates? Will the website publish the candidates who have applied, so that everyone will know. Our league fees pay for this position...