Friday, March 25, 2011

What's going on with our new tennis courts in Beaumont?

GUEST COLUMN from the Beaumont Enterprise
Beaumont drops the ball on need for tennis courts
What is growing faster than Southeast Texas can handle? Tennis.

Tennis participation in Southeast Texas has grown significantly the past five years, and as a result there is currently a major court shortage.

A $1 million to $2 million city tax-funded project was started several years ago to expand the Municipal Tennis Center on College Street with 12 new courts.

We greatly need this expansion as the eight current courts are used for many purposes including general public play, year-round adult and junior USTA leagues, USTA tournaments and UIL high school tournaments.

Phase 1, the construction of eight new courts, was completed over a year ago. However, the courts were poorly built and were never released to the public because once released, the contractor no longer shares responsibility with the city for fixing the damages.

In the meantime, the eight new courts remain locked while the others are constantly filled with tennis players and those waiting on the sidelines for an open court.

I’ve noticed several articles in the local papers saying Beaumont is trying to attract and retain the younger age groups.

As a 24-year-old, I think having facilities such as a great tennis center where you can always get a court is just as important to the 18-30 age group as the recent city projects such as downtown improvements and entertainment complexes because they would provide daily health and wellness benefits to many.

What is most frustrating to me, and I would hope to other taxpayers, is not the court shortage but the lack of communication and vague path forward from the city of Beaumont about fixing the courts.

As the months go by, all we can do is keep on asking questions and waiting for action. In the meantime, $1 million to$2 million in taxpayer funds is sitting in courts that cannot be used.

By Julie Paciotti who lives in Beaumont. 

So what do you think? 

If you like Julie's article please email Opinions Section editor
saying you liked the article and would like the Enterprise to do a detailed feature story.

Note: April 13th - SETTA will host a City Council Candidates Q&A Forum (public invited) 6:00 - 8:00pm at Miller Library. All candidates for the upcoming city elections will be invited to attend and answer questions from the tennis community. So come out and see which candidates support our tennis community.

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